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Mentoring Hub

Sonal Singh, UTS

"As a early career equity practitioner, my mentor guided me to develop my personal networks through active listening and continuous learning."


Congratulations on being part of the first EPHEA Mentoring Program. We appreciate your commitment of time and energy, and hope that all participants, both mentees and mentors, will benefit from a two-way flow of valuable learnings.

Message from Smoxi and Bron - 

Meet the team

Meet the folks who are also along on this journey with you - remember, if you ever have queries, questions of concerns, Smoxi and Bron are available to help.

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Mentoring Checklist

Mentoring is defined as “a mutually beneficial relationship which involves a more experienced person helping a less experienced person to identify and achieve their goals”.

A mentor provides encouragement, support, knowledge, and guidance to the mentee by developing a genuine interest in their personal and professional growth.

A mentee actively seeks support and guidance in their career and professional development from an experienced equity practitioner. A mentee takes responsibility for their career and professional development. 

Why should you participate?

Mentoring programs have a variety of benefits for all involved, including employers of participants.

Benefits for mentees can include:

  • Connection  

  • Wellbeing   

  • Build professional networks and a support system  

  • Enhance lifelong learning and practise through mentoring 

  • Develop communication skills and knowledge   

  • Support and guidance to achieve career goals

Benefits for mentors can include:

  • An open exchange of skills and knowledge   

  • Expanded network and partnerships with other institutions   

  • Personal fulfillment seeing the growth of mentee  

  • Reciprocal learning and generate new insights   

  • Contribute to the development of the future of the equity practitioner's field  

Employers can gain:

  • Increased motivation by both mentor and mentee  

  • Improved retention of skilled staff

  • Demonstrate care and commitment towards employee development

  • Cost-effective measure for promoting mental health 

Before you apply

We ask that program participants consider their capacity for ongoing commitment, and have approval from their supervisor before applying. An outline of the expected time commitments for the program are below; contact may be in person or online depending on locations and preferences of participants.

Mentees and mentors need to have capacity for approximately 9 hours of contact time:

  • 1 hour program introduction session

  • minimum of three 1 hour mentoring sessions

  • 2 hours (cumulative) of Professional Development workshops 

  • 1 hour midway group progress check

  • 2 hour in-person celebratory function

Below is an outline of the phases each mentoring relationship will go through on this program:

  • PHASE 1: Setting the Foundation 

    • Introduction and Connection: Begin the mentoring relationship with a warm introduction, establishing a connection built on mutual respect and shared goals. 

    • Defining Objectives: Clarify the mentee's aspirations and identify specific objectives for the mentoring journey. 

  • PHASE 2: Discovering Strengths and Areas for Growth 

    • Strengths Assessment: Identify and celebrate the mentee's existing strengths, leveraging them for personal and professional development. 

    • Exploring Growth Opportunities: Together, explore areas where the mentee seeks growth and development, nurturing a mindset of continuous improvement. 

  • PHASE 3: Unleashing Potential 

    • Skill Development: you may want to craft a personalised plan to enhance the mentee's skills, leveraging resources like workshops, courses, or hands-on experiences. 

    • Real-world Applications: Encourage the mentee to apply new knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, encouraging experiential learning. 

  • PHASE 4: ​Navigating Challenges 

    • Overcoming Obstacles: Address challenges the mentee encounters on their journey, providing guidance and support to overcome hurdles. 

    • Resilience and Adaptability: Cultivate resilience and adaptability, equipping the mentee with tools to navigate uncertainties and setbacks.

  • PHASE 5: Celebrating Achievements 

    • Acknowledging Milestones: Celebrate the mentee's accomplishments and progress, reinforcing motivation and self-belief. 

    • Reflecting on Growth: Encourage self-reflection to recognise personal and professional growth achieved during the mentoring journey. 

  • PHASE 6: Embracing the Mentorship Legacy 

    • Paying It Forward: Encourage the mentee to share their learnings and experiences with others, paying forward the benefits of mentorship. 

    • Lasting Connection: Nurture a lasting connection beyond the formal mentoring period, fostering an enduring mentorship legacy.

How are applicants matched?

The mentor-mentee matching process is a crucial step in ensuring the success of the mentoring program. The process will be led by program coordinators Smoxi Chen and Bronwyn Williams, with a panel comprised of EPHEA Executive members who will use the following criteria and considerations to match participants:

  • Needs and Goals: The program administrators will conduct thorough assessments to understand the specific needs and goals of each mentee. This includes identifying their career aspirations, skill gaps, and areas they wish to develop. 

  • Professional Background: The mentors and mentees are evaluated based on their professional backgrounds, industry experience, and expertise. Efforts are made to match individuals who share common interests. 

  • Skills and Knowledge: Consideration is given to the specific skills and knowledge the mentees aim to acquire. Mentors with relevant expertise are then paired with mentees seeking to develop those skills. 

  • Personality and Communication Styles: Compatibility in communication styles and personalities is considered to ensure effective communication and rapport between mentors and mentees. 

  • Availability and Commitment: The availability and commitment of both mentors and mentees are considered to ensure that the mentoring relationship can thrive with regular interactions. 

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Efforts are made to promote diversity and inclusion in the matching process, recognising the value of diverse perspectives and experiences. 

Applicants will be notified if they have been selected for the program via email, and will receive a handbook and ongoing guidance from Smoxi and Bronwyn throughout the program.

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Applications for the 2023 EPHEA Mentoring program have now closed. 

Applicants will be notified of outcomes shortly.

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