Executive Committee and Chapter Convenors
Executive Committee
Kylie Austin | President
University of Wollongong, NSW
Sonal Singh | Vice-President
University of Technology Sydney, NSW
Amber Elliott | Secretary
Monash University, VIC
Nicola Cull | Treasurer
Australian Catholic University, NSW
Shannon Vincent | Public Officer
Australian Catholic University, NSW
Ciaran Smyth | Membership Officer
Western Sydney University, NSW
Ordinary Members
Erin Callaghan | Country Universities Centre (CUC)
Melissa Keenan | RMIT, VIC
Rehana Lakhani | Griffith, QLD
Sasha Peppinck | University of Western Australia, WA
Lara Rafferty | RMIT, VIC
Cara Scobie | Monash University, VIC
James Terry | University of Wollongong, NSW
Zain Warsi | University of Technology Sydney, NSW
Communications Coordinator
Katherine Munyard | info@ephea.org
Executive Leads
Shasha Ali | Exec Lead (NZ and EPHEA Conference)
Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland, NZ
Smoxi Chen | Exec Lead (Mentoring)
Jindri De Silva | Exec Lead (Advocacy and Chapters)
Macquarie University, NSW
Stuart Dinmore | Exec Lead (Professional Development)
University of South Australia, SA
Sarah Ellis | Exec Lead (Recognition)
University of Technology Sydney, NSW
Verity Firth | Exec Lead (Advocacy)
University of New South Wales, NSW
Kate Flynn | Exec Lead (Advocacy and Chapters)
University of Melbourne, VIC
Joe Llewellyn | Exec Lead (NZ)
University of Otago, NZ
Darlene McLennan | Exec Lead (Chapters)
University of Tasmania, TAS
Amanda Moors-Mailei | Exec Lead (Pacific)
University of Technology Sydney, NSW
Bron Williams | Exec Lead (Mentoring)
Western Sydney University, NSW
Contact EPHEA Executive Committee members via the linked email addresses, or at info@ephea.org.
Committee members and office bearers have responsibilities, in-depth information about this can be found at our roles and responsibilities page.
Chapters and convenors
Most states and territories have a local chapter where equity practitioners can discuss local issues and network formally or informally. New Zealand also had its own Chapter for New Zealand and Pacific region practitioners.
The opportunity to connect and participate in local networking opportunities between the biennial conferences is important for equity practitioners working in isolation. Issues relevant to all members can then be conveyed to the EPHEA Committee for action as appropriate.
EPHEA offers chapters access to funds to support local initiatives to support and strengthen state-based activity.
Submissions for funds are opened annually, or chapters can contact info@ephea.org with an outline of their request.
Contact us if you are interested in filling a Chapter Convenor vacancy. You must be an EPHEA member and reside in that state, territory or country.
ACT: Laurie Poretti, University of Canberra
NSW: Nicola Cull, Australian Catholic University
QLD: Currently vacant
SA: Sarah Hattam, University of South Australia
Stuart Dinmore, University of South Australia
TAS: Amelia Dowe, University of Tasmania;
Paula Johnson, University of Tasmania;
Darlene McLennan, University of Tasmania
NT: Currently vacant
VIC: Melissa Lowe, Swinburn University of Technology
Join the VIC EPHEA listserv by emailing majordomo@deakin.edu.au and with "subscribe
vict-eophe" in the body of the email.
WA: Sasha Peppinck, University of Western Australia;
Nurul Huda Sanny Yap, Curtin University
NZ: Joseph Llewellyn, University of Otago
Shasha Ali, Waipapa Taumata Rau - University of Auckland