Responsibilities and roles of EPHEA Committee members
At the 2023 EPHEA AGM, members endorsed the creation of Executive Lead positions for specific portfolios. These positions enable EPHEA to implement our strategic objectives.
All EPHEA Executive members must adhere to guidelines, responsibilities and undertake general duties, including:
Managing the affairs of the Association on behalf of members. The EPHEA Executive Committee has power to perform a range of activities under the Association’s Constitution for the proper management of the affairs of the Association.
A term of office will be at least one year.
Each member of the committee is, subject to the constitution, to hold office until the conclusion of the annual general meeting following the date of the member’s election, but is eligible for re-election.
All Executive Committee members should ensure they have the support of their tertiary institution and must be eligible equity practitioners.
The Executive Committee meets monthly (usually by webinar) and hosts Annual General Meeting (AGM) where members will meet in person or via teleconference.
All Executive members will contribute to EPHEA’s strategy planning, setting agendas, advocacy activities, public policy monitoring and administrative duties as well as any additional duties as outlined if undertaking office bearer roles.
All members of the EPHEA Executive are expected to work closely with other EPHEA Executive Members when required for matters related to their portfolio.
The Executive members work with the host institution to provide guidance and support for the EPHEA biennial conference.
Specific roles of office bearers
President and Vice-President
These roles are appointed every 3-years*. The President and Vice-President will have expertise in either staff or student equity in higher education and will advocate on behalf of the Executive Committee and members appropriately. If expertise is in staff equity, they will most commonly interact with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and other related organisations. If expertise is in student equity, they will liaise with the Department of Education (Australian Government) and the Australian Centre for Student Equity and Success. It is desirable for the President and Vice-President to have expertise in different areas. It is expected that the President and Vice-President positions will be held by the same people for 3-years.
*Commencing 2026
Co-President and Co-Vice-President
These roles are elected every 3-years. The Co-President and Co-Vice-President will have experience in either staff or student equity in higher education and will be provided opportunities to advocate on behalf of the Executive Committee and members appropriately. The Co-President and Vice-President positions will be held for 1 year, in the penultimate year of the President and Vice-President. Opportunities for shadowing and mentoring will be provided during this 1-year period. The Co-President and Co-Vice-President will be appointed to the roles of President and Vice-President in the following year for a period of 3-years.
It is the duty of the treasurer of the Association to ensure that all money due to the Association is collected and received and that all payments authorised by the Association are made, and that accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the Association, including full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the Association in line with incorporation guidelines under the Office of Fair Trading NSW.
The Treasurer provides a report at each meeting, manages the bank accounts of the organisation and any necessary tax or audit concerns as they arise. The Treasurer works closely with the Secretary, Membership Officer and Public Officer to ensure that the membership database is up-to-date and ensure that members are invoiced at the appropriate time for their fees.
The Secretary is responsible for receipting incoming membership applications for consideration by the Committee. The Secretary sets up teleconferences for meeting, drafts agendas and takes minutes.
It is the duty of the secretary to keep records and minutes of all appointments of office-bearers and members of the committee; the names of members of the committee present at a committee meeting or a general meeting, and all proceedings at committee meetings and general meetings.
Membership Officer
The Membership Officer is responsible for processing incoming membership applications, managing the membership database and the membership email list. The Membership Officer, Treasurer, Secretary and Public Officer work closely to ensure that the membership database is up-to-date and ensure that members are invoiced at the appropriate time for their fees.
Public Officer
The Public Officer is not a member of the Committee and is not elected. This appointment is legally required by the NSW Associations Act. The Public Officer is the official point of contact for the incorporated association, and must reside in NSW, where EPHEA is incorporated. The Public Officer is responsible for:
ensuring that EPHEA complies with all requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009
lodgment of official reports with NSW Fair Trading
acting as the official contact for the association
custody of all records, books and other documents relating to the association
ensuring the membership register is kept up to date, and making it available to members as per the Constitution.
Executive Lead (Advocacy)
The Executive Lead (Advocacy) is responsible for identifying appropriate opportunities for EPHEA to make submissions and facilitate the compilation of associated documents to ensure EPHEA continues to best represent the interests of our members. They will represent EPHEA in industry meetings and situations and ensure that any public submissions align with EPHEA's goals and vision.
Executive Lead (Chapters)
The Executive Lead (Chapters) will establish regular contact, and work closely with Chapter Convenors to offer EPHEA members opportunities to build skills, and foster state-based relationships for members.
Executive Lead (EPHEA Conference)
The Executive Lead (EPHEA Conference) is the liaison between the EPHEA Executive and the EPHEA Conference Organising Committee as they prepare to deliver the biennial EPHEA Conference. They are required to attend meetings associated with the conference planning, and relay information between both parties including budget updates, key dates, or other information as required.
Executive Lead (Mentoring)
The Executive Lead (Mentoring) is responsible for facilitating cohort intakes for the EPHEA Mentoring Program. They also oversee the continued development, supervision and creation of engagement activities associated with the program. They are responsible for the recruitment, screening and matching of program participants. They are available to program participants for feedback and to assist with any grievances.
Executive Lead (NZ)
The Executive Lead (NZ) is responsible for identifying and relaying specific needs and emerging issues of EPHEA members based in Aotearoa/New Zealand. They are responsible for working with all Executive Leads, but specifically the Executive Lead (Chapters) and Executive Lead (Professional Development) to ensure that any programs and opportunities offered to EPHEA members are relevant and useful for participants working in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Executive Lead (Pacific)
The Executive Lead (Pacific) is responsible for identifying and relaying specific needs and emerging issues of EPHEA members from Pasifika, including Māori, backgrounds in Australia and New Zealand and those based in the Pacific region. They are responsible for working with all Executive Leads, but specifically the Executive Lead (Chapters) and Executive Lead (Professional Development) to ensure that any programs and opportunities offered to EPHEA members are relevant and useful for Pacific people.
Executive Lead (Professional Development)
The Executive Lead (Professional Development) is responsible for developing an annual program of engagement opportunities for EPHEA members, aiming to provide opportunities to further skills and knowledge in the sphere of equity, diversity, and inclusion. They are also responsible for leading the continued development of legacy training programs offered via EPHEA (micro credentials?).
Executive Lead (Recognition)
The Executive Lead (Recognition) is responsible for coordinating awards (including grants and scholarships) for EPHEA members. This role will oversee Champions for Change, Lifetime Members and Early Career Practitioner awards; they are also responsible for identifying new opportunities to recognise and celebrate the achievements of EPHEA members.
Ordinary members
Ordinary members with expertise in staff or student equity are encouraged and are asked to contribute support to office bearers or take on additional areas of responsibility as they arise.
In particular EPHEA is keen to include Ordinary members with expertise in particular widening participation, Disability Services, LGBTIQ issues, Indigenous issues, Māori and Pasifika issues in either NZ and/or Australian context, cultural diversity, gender equity and anti-discrimination.