We are now offering our members more ways to pay. Some frequently asked questions are below, however if there is anything else you need to know, please feel free to contact us at info@ephea.org.

What if I don’t have a workplace PayPal account?
Can EPHEA still issue an invoice for annual membership?
Can I still pay via direct bank transfer?
I need EPHEA to complete a supplier form.
What if I don’t have a workplace PayPal account?
You don’t need a PayPal account to pay online, but you do have to have a credit card. If you are paying by corporate card, we recommend logging out of any other personal or business PayPal accounts, and selecting the ‘Pay by card’ option at the checkout.
You will then be asked to enter your details, but not required to make an account.
Can EPHEA still issue an invoice for annual membership?
Yes, if you require us to issue an invoice please email info@ephea.org with your name, institution and the type of membership you are seeking for the year.
We would issue this invoice via PayPal as we have done in previous years.
Can I still pay via direct bank transfer?
Yes, our banking details are:
BSB: 082-344 (National Australia Bank)
Account number: 134190524
Account name: (Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Association Inc)
I need EPHEA to complete a supplier form.
If you require us to fill out a supplier form prior to payment directly to our account, please email your request and the relevant form to info@ephea.org.